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Scientific Program Academy Program Congress Venue
¢Â¢Â¢Â Guide for Instruction Course and Video Instruction ¢Â¢Â¢Â
In this fall congress, Introduction Courses and Video Instruction Courses will be newly offered to the residents and other private practitioners instead of the study classes from the previous year. Residents and other otolaryngologists can choose the courses that they prefer and register to participate. The congress also will have a series of free paper presentation sessions and poster presentations divided by three subspeciality, otology, rhinology, and head and neck surgery. Please read the following guidelines and we encourage active participation and contribution from all the specialists in the fields of otolaryngology.
The limited time for each course is 50 minutes; 40 minutes of lecturing, and 10 minutes for discussions. Time should be allocated so that there is enough time for the discussion. We are expecting total number of 20 courses during the period of 3 days.
1.We would recommend the lecture title and contents to be in the form that it can bring out much interest from the residents and otolaryngologists. The contents should not be too difficult for the in-training residents.
2.Lectures that have been previously used for training residents can also be accepted for presentation. Upgraded knowledge and additional information will also be greatly appreciated.
3.The authors or the lecturers for the course can be one or more and we strongly commence two or more training hospitals working as a team.
4.The lecture should mainly be presented in slides, and the lecture notes or other associated papers should be distributed by the lecturer before or during the presentation.
The video instruction is a course that is aimed at showing a surgical procedure or distributing knowledge through video lectures of an operation. This is a 40-minute presentation with additional 10 minutes for discussions. We are expecting total number of 10 courses within the period of 3 days.
1. Video contents should be in the field of interest by residents and otolaryngologists.
2. Video contents should not be copied from other surgeons but have an originality of lecturer.
3. If video is about instruction for an operation, the surgeon who actually performs the operation should lecture and explain the procedures. Lecture notes or other associated papers should be distributed by the lecturer before or during the presentation.

Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts by downloading the form and send to before the deadline. When we accept the abstract, returned e-mail will be sent.

Deadline for the Instruction Courses: July 14, 2001
Instruction Abstract Submission Abstract Revision Example Instruction Course Home
Scientific Program Academy Program Congress Venue